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We see ourselves as standing on this side of "the line drawn in the sand." The purpose of this website is nothing less than to bring about the full and complete restoration of the Vision of our Founding Fathers, without compromise, prayerfully, without succumbing to Thomas Jefferson's painful suggestion regarding the watering of our Liberty Tree via the exercise of lawful remedy through our court system by enabling each and every one of you to have the knowledge and the confidence to engage seasoned attorneys and judges in court litigation. The first step in this matter is to deal with Predatory Debt Collectors whether they be the IRS, a credit card company or a bank foreclosing on your home or your business, as well as vacating Judgments VOID for lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction.


Testimony #1:
David Myrland talks with Kraig Patterson about his experience.
(less than 3 minutes)



Testimony #2:
Kurt Riggin shares his thoughts about David Myrland.
(4 minute read)

I am legal counsel for several state and federally recognized American Indian Tribes and a member of the Federal Bar Association. I have served as legal advocate in state and municipal litigation matters concerning issues virtually throughout the motor vehicle code and spanning a myriad of the most common misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases here in Washington state. I'm a criminal procedural specialist with a firm commitment to statute, court rule, and constitutional guarantees. I draw upon a check list of requirements I know from over eleven years in state courts, defending against charges of every nature. I believe in making the prosecutor earn his pay the hard way - by practicing law.

Over the past five years I have not only lectured with David Myrland to Seattle students on many occasions, but we have become close friends and professional associates.

I've seen him destroy a prosecution's case with a small claims action, a gross misdemeanor simply washed away. I've seen him get two unrelated criminal judgments in different counties vacated months after guilty pleas (disorderly conduct, solicitation of prostitute). I watched him coach some brave truck drivers to victories (lack willfulness 9/1/00) against a state attorney general in four of five cases after eight months of litigation he handled alone; depositions, coaching, motions, briefs, trial strategy, alone, on a donation basis. Dave is among the best writers I know and his attention to detail and format assure that his work product speaks for me long before I appear upon it for oral argument.

The work I have seen Dave do for free eclipses in quality, viability, and force, much of the work I have seen coming from attorneys earning a living here in Washington. Dave and I have collaborated on a great many legal controversies. One recurring theme in the cases which have come to our attention are those cases involving victims of irresponsibility in "the movement" who have gotten thrown in jail, or have had their car seized, or who have cut checks on closed accounts as instructed and are now facing check fraud charges, etc.

The damage done by these groups is a cause for concern in Seattle, and on countless occasions Dave and I have shared our utter disgust at having to clean up the education of these people just to get them to where we could talk to them about the law; it's almost like deprogramming them from a cult or something.

David Myrland and I are associates and friends because we share a commitment to the legislature, court rules, and the Constitution. We share a commitment to helping the defenseless, to education, and to stopping theft by the executive and judicial branches. We both have given away tens upon tens of thousands of dollars in legal services to the needy, and we work constantly to keep others from being deceived into ill founded methods.

Dave has no theories, nor do I; there is only law. I know to expect rigid legal principles and well accepted standards of procedure and application to be at the basis of what I hear when I speak with Dave. The way I see him create an offense in the middle of darkness is cause for close attention.

David Myrland has proven to me that he is honest, charitable, devoted, and reliable, always certain to honor the rights and wishes of others, and is willing to share his research for a fraction of its worth. Not only is Dave years ahead of the entire movement in his fundamental knowledge of the law, but his innovative and delightfully offensive approach to criminal defense and day-to-day dealings with government make him a nightmare waiting to teach others how to be one - on a fast track. Dave's knowledge and expertise have paid me huge dividends from our first meeting onward.

Kurt R. Riggin, FBA #7604

Testimony #3:
G.H. on David Myrland and Fighting the Tax Code.
(1 minute read)

I believe that the information he [David Myrland] offers is of significant importance to any and all who choose to take issue with state or federal taxing authorities. After approximately nine years of study and research, I have come to the conclusion that almost nothing of what is being offered by the "tax" or "freedom" movements will cause the taxing agencies to cease and desist.

These agencies have not stopped because the arguments and strategies used by the movement are not effective, for whatever reason. The movement has been trying for years to show how the federal tax laws do not apply to us, to Americans (sovereign or nonresident alien status, on and on) instead of accepting the fact that tax law is in fact perfect, and that it does apply to us, to Americans. The tax laws provide numerous protections for the individual and it imposes strict limitations on the authority of taxing agencies.

I find it hard to believe that so many within the movement have missed what David is teaching. I have only been studying his materials for a few months, but even in such a short period of time I believe that he may have discovered the truth.

He provides a very unique look at the Tax Code in a light that I have not previously experienced. His materials contain no hype or esoteric notions of issues that the courts have disposed of. His materials are teaching black letter law, supported by numerous and on-point case cites, and strategies that are designed to force the taxing agency personnel to comply with the limitations found in the law.

I always recommend that everyone investigate the facts for themselves. I challenge anyone to investigate David's work, in light of all else that exists on this subject, and to then deny the truth of its content.

G.H. from California - 10/03

Testimony #3:
About David Myrland's seminar, Code Breaker Master's Curriculum.
(2 minute read)

I have been listening to a wide variety of "tax experts" and leaders in the tax honesty movement for the past 6 years, but I was still not clear about how the whole thing works (how does the IRS pull it all off, liening and levying people's property, threatening them, putting them in jail, and otherwise terrorizing a whole country.

Not being a legal expert, nor having the time to spend years studying, I have been concerned that I'm not doing the right thing and could be their next victim. I just want to obey the law, but I expect the government to also obey the law.

After watching David Myrland's seminar, Code Breaker Master's Curriculum, it finally makes sense! David is extremely thorough in his legal research and always approaches things from a strictly legal standpoint: What does the law say? What did Congress write in the law? What did the Supreme Court decide? The seminar had a lot of legal information, but now I understand how it all works together! No one else has ever done this before. I haven't seen it in all the books, seminars, rallies, or speeches I've heard in the past

There are only a few basic laws that govern who we are, what we owe in "income taxes", and how the IRS can deal with us. David explains very clearly who the law says we "are," what applies to us, and what the IRS has done to circumvent the law so that it can intimidate us into paying what we clearly DO NOT OWE!

It finally makes sense! They have been usurping their authority for years and exercising powers never meant to be theirs. But they have done it so cleverly, most people have been completely fooled and beaten into submission!

I love how David attacks their tactics, one at a time, breaking through the smoke and mirrors to get at the truth and exposing them, their improper/illegal regulations and interpretations, and finally showing how to counter-attack using the law as a weapon against them !"

J.S., privacy technology specialist, author, programmer

Testimony #4:
Looking Forward to Furthering My Education.
(1 minute read)

It is also with great pleasure that I reccomend your work to others. From what I have read thus far and from speaking with you on the phone, you have a definite grasp on the language of the law. Your writing style is clear and concise, accurately depicting any case you engage.

I have to know one of your axioms must be: "The starting point in every case involving construction of a statute is the language of the statute itself." That is important to realize, after watching one out-of-control judiciary push its weight around in courtrooms with ostensible immunity and impunity, when you know that "their powers are limited to those expressly granted by statute."

David's work will help you get a grip on the realities of what one faces in the judicial process (bypassing patriot mythology). You'll posture your self without fear, attaining a thorough understanding of how to mount a highly potent offensive strategy as an impenetrable defense." David's motor vehicle code brief is regarded by some as the best brief written on the subject. His understanding of tax law, by the use of simple statutory language, is precise and virtually unassailable."

David, I look forward to working with you and further educating myself in the process.

Peter John Lenau, Michigan

Testimony #5:
An Anonymous Review of a David Myrland Event.
(15 second read)

I attended a recent Myrland event (7/03). The man seems to be a genius and his knowledge of the law seems to be superb - at least that is my first impression!

Another satisfied customer.

Testimony #6:
Judges Comments on David Myrland.
(2 minute read)

"Your brief is written better than any of the attorneys write that come into this court."

Judge, on the record, open court/many attorneys.

"You're obviously no neophyte to the judicial system. Your pleadings are in the top one percentile of everything I see in this court."

Judge, on the record, open court/many attorneys.

"I must say, he's impressed me with his research."

The Honorable William Clayton, former 4-term Speaker of the House of Representatives, TX, at David Myrland's 6/24/00 Dallas seminar as introduction speaker, said regarding David's analysis concerning misenforcement of a TX statute. David wrote the legislation submitted to the TX state legislature by Mr. Clayton on behalf of those for whom he was a lobbyist.

Testimony #7:
David Myrland: A Most Important Resource.
(2 minute read)

I've been studying and working on sovereignty and individual Rights issues for over ten years. Over that time, I've met and worked with a lot of Constitutional/sovereignty law researchers. One of the most important people I've had the please to meet and work with is Dave Myrland.

I consider Dave to be one of the most potent resources in my constitutional law arsenal. Over the years I've learned that law is not science, but art; and Dave is a master artist. The quality of his legal thoughts and arguments are powerful, professional ,and excellent. He's crystallized his potent approach by personally wading through the sewer that our legal system has become—not just from reading books written by other constitutional law researchers. Consequently, his knowledge has been hard won and proven through difficult direct experience.

The bottom-line: he's been there, done it, walks his talk, and is extremely effective. So, if you need help taking back your Rights and irreplaceable life energy from government parasites, you couldn't have a more knowledgeable and dedicated man than Dave Myrland in your resource arsenal.


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