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We see ourselves as standing on this side of "the line drawn in the sand." The purpose of this website is nothing less than to bring about the full and complete restoration of the Vision of our Founding Fathers, without compromise, prayerfully, without succumbing to Thomas Jefferson's painful suggestion regarding the watering of our Liberty Tree via the exercise of lawful remedy through our court system by enabling each and every one of you to have the knowledge and the confidence to engage seasoned attorneys and judges in court litigation. The first step in this matter is to deal with Predatory Debt Collectors whether they be the IRS, a credit card company or a bank foreclosing on your home or your business, as well as vacating Judgments VOID for lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

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Be sure to read:

Once We Were Colonists — A Primer in Jurisdiction

Read/Download the PDF here!

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Phone: 206.402.0100      PIN: 217399#

Saturday: 9pm Eastern — Estate Planning / Asset Protection

Monday: 9pm Eastern — Correct My Political Status

Tuesday: 9pm Eastern — Jurisdiction Studies

For Further Information:  800.625.4250